In this course, we will study the Fourier Transform from the perspective of representation theory. We will
begin by considering the standard transform defined by the commutative group of rotations in 2D and
translations in two- and three-dimensions, and will proceed to the Fourier Transform of the non-commutative
group of 3D rotations. Subjects covered will include correlation of images, shape matching, computation of
invariances, and symmetry detection.
To facilitate discussion among students, a Piazza page has been set up.
Please keep in mind that the instructor will only check the Piazza status infrequently, so if you have a question
you would like him to address, please either email him directly or make sure Piazza notifies him of your post.
(That said, you should feel very comfortable either contacting the instructor by email or having Piazza notify him.)
Office Hours: Wednesday 3-5 @ Malone 216
Source Code
The code you will be using is packed in the archive. The archive contains Visual Studio 2017 solution files as well as Makefiles that should allow you to compile the code. For windows uers, the FFTW .lib and .dll files are already includes. For Linux users, you will need to download/install those so the compiler can find them. Also, the Makefile assumes that libjpeg is already installed on your system.