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The awards will help launch student-run software ventures by providing teams with the resources needed to translate their innovative concepts into viable products.
HopStart: Hopkins New Venture Challenge is an annual competition that challenges students to develop and pitch novel business plans to industry leaders.
Outstanding students were honored at the annual Computer Science Awards Ceremony, and the 2023 Pistritto Fellow is announced.
Daniel Chong always wanted to be an astronaut and his time at NASA helped him get closer to his goal.
Students come together to create impactful technology solutions for pressing issues in just a day and a half.
A student-created app brings the biology lab experience to users' smartphones, paving the way for a more accessible lab education.
In popular CS course, students build deep learning models that do everything from assisting surgeons in operating rooms and helping diagnose disease to predicting costly hospital readmissions and stock price movement.
Congratulations to all of the 2022 Whiting School of Engineering Convocation and department awardees.
Students in an interdisciplinary augmented reality course recently showcased their projects, including a virtual card game and educational resources
The game is styled after Hasbro's 'Guess Who?' and features a virtual opponent who can carry on conversations
Capabilities of autoregressive AI models will always be limited by their inability to reason like humans, says CS PhD candidate Chu-Cheng Lin
A team of Clark Scholars has developed a wearable device that can relay a soldier's vitals to combat medics, making it easier to determine who needs medical attention most urgently