Headshot of William Cho in graduation garb on the Hopkins campus.

When William Cho ran for senior class president, he had no idea he’d be shepherding the Class of 2021 through a school year unlike any other.

Now, as the senior class prepares to graduate, Cho has been working to help plan the university’s first in-person Commencement ceremony since 2019 because of disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Hub caught up with Cho to discuss the upcoming ceremony, the past year of student programming, and the challenges of bringing unity to a class still spread out around the world.

You ended up serving in what turned out to be a very unusual year. How would you say your role had to evolve due to the pandemic?

In terms of things that didn’t change, I was still responsible for trying to promote class unity and using the budget we were allocated to help put together programming and engagements with the senior class.

One of the ways that it was different was that it was really difficult because we were expected to plan programming where we would have a virtual component and then an alternative in-person component, and trying to balance everyone’s needs in that way.

Click here, to read the complete Hub story.