The Johns Hopkins University seal on the floor in Gilman Hall.

Five Computer Science majors out of the 51 winners received the 2020-2021 Provost’s Undergraduate Research (PURA) Award. Provost Joseph Cooper (1991-1995) established the PURA program in 1993 with a generous endowment by the Hodson Trust. The program was created to support and encourage Hopkins undergraduate students to engage in independent research, scholarly and creative projects. Each awardee receives a $3,000 grant for research. Scroll down to review their profiles.

Autumn Hughes
Hometown: Richard, VA
Majors: Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science
Research: Developing an Interface to Investigate the Transferability of Inanimate Training on da Vinci Surgical Systems to Operating Room Performance
CS Advisor: Ryan Huang
Research area: Surgical Robotics
Expected Graduation Date: May 2022
Simon Liu
Hometown: Hometown: Rockville, MD
Majors: Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science
Research: Implementing Electronic Beam Steering in an Implantable Ultrasound Device
CS Advisor: Raman Arora
Research areas: Biomedical Data Science, Computational Biology, Medical Device Technology
Expected Graduation Date: May 2021
Shreya Wadhwa
Hometown: New Delhi, India
Majors: Computer Science and Cognitive Science
Research: Little boxes on a hillside: Investigating the flexibility of high-level categorization to changes in natural visual statistics
CS Advisor: Benjamin Langmead
Research areas: Vision, Scene Perception
Expected Graduation Date: May 2023

Richard Xu
Hometown: Maryland
Majors: Computer Science and Molecular & Cellular Biology
Research: Integration of Genome and Epigenome to Elucidate Gene-Environment Interactions
Research areas: Big Data, Multi-omics, Gene-environment Interactions
CS Advisor: Michael Schatz
Expected Graduation Date: May 2021

Rebecca Yu
Majors: Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science
Research: Neural Network for Bi-Atrial Segmentation of Clinical Cardiac Images of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
CS Advisor: Abhishek Jain
Expected Graduation Date: May 2022