After a one-day rain delay, we were able to celebrate our CS undergrads and their four years of achievements as Johns Hopkins students.
Congrats to all the Whiting School of Engineering graduates, and our students who received departmental and school honors. The full list of awardees can be read below.
Computer Science Outstanding Senior Award
To a senior computer science major for academic excellence, leadership, and service in the Department of Computer Science.
- Aditi Sen
- Yihong Sun
Computer Science CS+X Award
To a senior computer science major for outstanding achievement in combining diverse studies with computer science.
- Brandon Wong
- Zexi Zhou
Computer Science Special Service Award
For outstanding work to benefit the computer science department, JHU, and the community.
- Rong Bao
- Sebastian Cabrejos
Computer Science Outstanding Course Assistant Award
To a masters student for outstanding effort and skill in assisting with the teaching of our courses.
- Eduardo Aguila
- Guangrui Chen
The Neuhauser Family Undergraduate Teaching Award in Honor of Dr. S. Rao Kosaraju
For outstanding teaching contributions to the computer science department by an undergraduate student.
- Sritanuj Alapati
- Jack Van Holland
The Michael J. Muuss Research Award
For the best application of computer science research to practice.
- Mathias Insley
- Yuta Kobayashi
Professor Joel Dean Excellence in Teaching Award
The Professor Joel Dean Excellence in Teaching Award is given annually to one or more graduate students or faculty members who demonstrate an intense devotion to teaching and a talent for making computer science more understandable. The award was established by Joel Dean Jr., a Whiting and Krieger School parent, in honor of his father, and is supported by the Joel Dean Foundation.
- Sing Chun Lee
- Simon Leonard, PhD
Most Valuable Peer Award
To the student who has been nominated by their peers to have contributed the most to the undergraduate computer science community and to departmental spirit.
- Matthew Liu