Lectures: Monday(Hackerman B17) and Friday(Shaffer 303), 12:00-1:15 PM
- Email: kosaraju@cs.jhu.edu
- Office: Croft 212
- Phone Number: x6-8134
- Office Hours: Mon, Fri 2:30-3:45 PM
- Voluntary Help Class: Fri 4-5 PM
@ Shaffer 204E (valuable opportunity for you!)
TA: Yixin Gao
- Email: yxgao@jhu.edu
- Office: Hackerman 137B
- Office Hours: Wedn, 9:00-11:00 AM @ CS ugrad lab
- Gregory Chandler Furman, gfurman2@jhu.edu
Office Hours: Mon, 10:00AM -12:00 PM @ CS ugrad lab
- Yibing Zhao, zyb009988@gmail.com
Office Hours: Thur, 1:00-3:00 PM @ CS ugrad lab
- Vamsi Chunduru, vchundu1@jhu.edu
Office Hours: Tues, 1:00-3:00 PM @ CS ugrad lab
- Harish Chandramowli, s.c.harish@jhu.edu
Office Hours: Wedn, 2:00-4:00 PM @ CS ugrad lab
- One assignment/week (20% of the grade).
Homework assignments are due on the date specified on the problem sheet before the class. There are three ways to submit your hw:
- handing in a hard copy at the class (Preferred)
- droping to CS dropbox 36 (next to CS department office at Croft 224)
- email to Professor or TA
Solutions will be posted no later than the return of the graded homework. Late submissions after the solutions are posted will not be accepted. Late submissions before the solution are posted will be graded for half of the credit.
- Two Midsemester Examinations (25% of the grade per exam).
- Final Examination (30% of the grade).
Exam Dates:
- First Midsemester examination: Oct 11
- Second Midsemester examination: Nov 11
- Final examination (Wed): Dec. 18, 9-12 noon
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Cliff Stein ("
Introduction to Algorithms, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. (Third Edition; but any edition is adequate).