Jie Ying Wu

PhD candidate in CS

About Me

I am a fifth year computer science PhD candidate at the Johns Hopkins University . I work in the SMARTS lab directed by Peter Kazanzides . My focus is on improving teleoperation using the da Vinci Reserach Kit and synthesizing low-level signals using machine learning techniques to provide high-level information. Some examples are using current measurements as a proxy for forces and using data-driven methods to improve soft-tissue simulation results.


  • B.Sc. in Computer Engineering magna cum laude , Brown University, 2011-2015
  • M.Sc. in Applied Math summa cum laude , ENS Paris-Saclay, 2015-2016
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, 2016-(anticipated) 2021


I've been involved in helping develop a new deep learning curriculum at JHU and instructing the lab component. More info about the course can be found here