Arthur is the king . Arthur rides the horse near the castle . riding to Camelot is hard . do coconuts speak ? what does Arthur ride ? who does Arthur suggest she carry ? why does England have a king ? are they suggesting Arthur ride to Camelot ? five strangers are at the Round Table . Guinevere might have known . Guinevere should be riding with Patsy . it is Sir Lancelot who knows Zoot ! either Arthur knows or Patsy does . neither Sir Lancelot nor Guinevere will speak of it . the Holy Grail was covered by a yellow fruit . Zoot might have been carried by a swallow . Arthur rode to Camelot and drank from his chalice . they migrate precisely because they know they will grow . do not speak ! Arthur will have been riding for eight nights . Arthur , sixty inches , is a tiny king . Arthur knows Patsy , the trusty servant . Arthur and Guinevere migrate frequently . he knows what they are covering with that story . Arthur suggested that the castle be carried . the king drank to the castle that was his home . when the king drinks , Patsy drinks .