package map; import java.util.List; import container.*; import java.math.BigInteger; public class HashDictionary implements Dictionary { protected EqualityTester eqtest; protected int size; // total number of items in all buckets protected List[] buckets; // number of buckets is buckets.length protected static final float maxLoadFactor = 0.9f; // ----------- CONSTRUCTORS ------------ /** comment ... */ public HashDictionary() { // version with default values // start with a small capacity to make sure that rehashing gets tested this(new DefaultEqualityTester(), 4); } /** comment ... */ public HashDictionary(EqualityTester eqtest, int initialCapacity) { ... } // ---------- METHODS OF DICTIONARY INTERFACE ----------- // (see the dictionary interface for documentation -- // duplicate documentation is hard to maintain, like duplicate code) public int size() { return size; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (size == 0); } public Entry insert(Object k, Object v) throws InvalidKeyException { ... } public Entry find(Object k) throws InvalidKeyException { ... } public Entry remove(Object k) throws InvalidKeyException { ... } public Iterator removeAll(Object k) throws InvalidKeyException { ... } public Iterator findAll(Object k) throws InvalidKeyException { return new KeyedListIterator(...); } public Iterator entries() { return new EntryIterator(); } public Object replaceValue(Entry e, Object v) { ... } // ----------- HELPER METHODS ------------- /** Throws an exception if this key won't work for this dictionary. */ protected void checkKey(Object key) throws InvalidKeyException { // Warning: The book's implementation of this one makes no sense. // Better to look at what you did in HeapPriorityQueue. ... } /** Throws an exception if we detect a problem with this entry, * e.g., it couldn't be an entry in this dictionary. */ protected void checkEntry(Entry e) throws InvalidEntryException { // Perhaps similar to what you did in HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue. ... } rehashing ... bucketOf ... others? ... // -------------- UTILITY METHODS ------------- /** Returns the first probably-prime number that is >= i. */ static private int nextProbablePrime(int i) { // while i definitely isn't a prime, keep adding 1 while (!BigInteger.valueOf(i).isProbablePrime(20)) i++; // we quit the loop, so isProbablePrime must have thought i was probably a prime // (isProbablePrime(20) has error probability of // 1 in 2^20, i.e., about 1 in a million) return i; } // ----------- NESTED CLASS ------------- protected static class MyEntry implements Entry { protected Object key, value; public MyEntry(Object k, Object v) { key = k; value = v; } public Object key() { return key; } public Object value() { return value; } protected Object replaceValue(Object v) { Object temp=value; value=v; return temp; } public String toString() { return key()+"/"+value(); } } // ----------- NESTED CLASS ------------- protected static class DefaultEqualityTester implements EqualityTester { ... } // ----------- NESTED CLASS ------------- /** An iterator over all the entries in a particular list * that have a particular key. */ protected class KeyedListIterator implements Iterator { private Iterator iter; // iterates over ALL entries in the list private Object key; // we will return all elements of the list that have this key private Object next; // next element to return, or null if we're all done public KeyedListIterator(List l, Object k) { iter = l.iterator(); key = k; setNext(); // initializes next } public boolean hasNext() { ... } public Object next() { ... } public void remove() { // We'd have to do a bit of redesign to support this. // We can't simply call iter.remove(), because that // would remove the last thing that iter returned // when we called inside setNext(), // rather than the last thing that *we* returned. throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private void setNext() { ... } } // ----------- NESTED CLASS ------------- /** An iterator over ALL the entries in the hash table. * Since this nested class is NOT declared static, an * instance of EntryIterator is able to access the fields * and methods of the HashDictionary instance that created it, * such as the buckets[] array. */ protected class EntryIterator implements Iterator { private int i; // the bucket we're currently looking at private Iterator iter; // an iterator over entries in bucket i. int remaining; // total number of entries left to iterate over; // makes it easy to write hasNext() and remove() public EntryIterator() { ... } public boolean hasNext() { ... } public Object next() { ... } public void remove() { // can be called after next() ... (easy to implement if you choose) } } // -------------- TEST METHOD ------------- public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length==0) args = new String[] {"apple", "banana", "cherry", "date", "elderberry", "fig", "grape", "huckleberry", "illama", "jackfruit", "kiwi", "lime", "mango", "nectarine", "orange", "papaya", "quince", "raspberry", "starfruit", "tamarind", "uglifruit", "virtual", "watermelon", "xylem", "yam", "zucchini"}; Dictionary d = new HashDictionary(); Iterator iter; System.out.println("Adding each string to the dictionary with " +"3 different elements (positive, zero, negative)"); for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) d.insert(args[i], new Integer(i)); for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) d.insert(args[i], new Integer(0)); for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) d.insert(args[i], new Integer(-i)); System.out.println("Adding extra element for first key "+args[0] +" (will make things more interesting later)."); d.insert(args[0], "Extra element for first key"); System.out.println("Removing all elements for last key "+args[args.length-1] +" (to test removeAll()). Elements removed:"); iter = d.removeAll(args[args.length-1]); while (iter.hasNext()) System.out.println(" "; // Keep looping until we're all empty. while (!d.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("======================================================================"); System.out.println("------ Printing all "+d.size()+" entries -------"); System.out.println("------ Hopefully you'll see a bucket with multiple keys -------"); iter = d.entries(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry e = (Entry); System.out.println("Entry "+e+" in bucket " +((HashDictionary)d).bucketOf(e.key())); // private method } System.out.println("------- Messing around with each key's entries --------"); for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) { Entry e = d.find(args[i]); System.out.println(args[i]); if (e != null && e.value() instanceof Integer) { System.out.println("\tIncrementing an entry "+e); int j = ((Integer)e.value()).intValue(); d.replaceValue(e, new Integer(j+1)); } System.out.print("\tAll entries: "); iter = d.findAll(args[i]); while (iter.hasNext()) System.out.print(" "+(Entry); System.out.println(); System.out.println("\tRemoving an entry: "+d.remove(args[i])); } } } }