If you can't download baltimore.map because your browser treats .map as a special extension, then try baltimore.mapfile. They are identical. Or you could just download the whole zipfile at http://cs.jhu.edu/~jason/226/hw10/HW10-DOWNLOAD-FILES.ZIP For information on how to make your own maps, see the section "The Data" in the assignment. This involves downloading a zipfile from the U.S. Census Bureau website, and running one of the files inside it through the rt1_to_map script. If you want to try 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon, Dan Mallinger has kindly prepared a file giving some male actors together with their movies. The file is inside someactors.zip. It is derived from the male actors file (no actresses!) at the Internet Movie Database. Dan says that to help the graph fit in memory, "only people who appear in 20 movies from 1980 on are in there."