Welcome to the ACL 2003 on-line camera ready submission page

In the next three pages you will be asked to:

  1. Enter basic bibliographic information about your paper (including the final title, authors and paper length in pages).
  2. Upload a final PDF version of the paper.
  3. Upload a final Postscript version of the paper.

If you are not yet ready to do so, please return when you have both PDF and Postscript versions of your paper in final form.

Authors using Microsoft Windows may create postscript versions by using the "print to file" function.
Authors should make every effort to create PDF files with their own software, but if creation of a PDF file is a serious problem, the publications chairs will try to generate a PDF file locally from the submitted postscript, although this is not a recommended option.

Further instructions for preparation of main session and student workshop papers may be found here.

Further instructions for preparation of other workshop and EMNLP papers may be found here.

In all cases, this electronic submission is due on the same date that your camera-ready paper is due!

It is recommended that you use either Internet Explorer or Netscape when using the following web interface. One problem has been reported with Konqueror/Safari of the 80+ submissions so far.

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