Advanced Topics in Cryptography

Course Home Page
General Information/Policies
Course Materials


This is an advanced graduate course in cryptography, designed for students who have taken at least one prior course in cryptography at Hopkins and earned at least a B- grade. If you do not satisfy these requirements, but wish to take the course, please contact the instructor first.

Course materials

There is no required text for this class. We will be studying off of a series of research papers. Links to these papers will be posted online.

Course Mailing List

The mailing list is cs642[ignore this spam break]@cs.jhu.edu.

Grading Policy

There are no exams. Students will be encouraged to participate in class and collaborate together on (approximately two) problem sets. Students will also sharpen their presentation skills with in-class presentations. The final grade will be computed using the following weights:

Problem Sets

We recommend that all problem set solutions be typed up. However, we will accept neatly hand-written solutions and hand-drawn diagrams.

Collaboration Policy

We strongly encourage collaboration on problem sets. We do not expect you to be able to solve every problem on your own. We do, however, expect you to write up your own solution to every problem even if the solution is the result of a collaborative effort. To repeat: each person must write up their solutions separately. Also, in your write-up please credit the people with whom you worked. If you consult any reference material or draw ideas from any academic paper, please clearly reference the work.

Last modified: Thursday, August 28, 2008