Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics: Rendering (600.657)

Course Description

In this course, we will focus on the challenges of physically based rendering. In particular, we will explore issues of lighting, reflection, integration, etc. in the context of the PBRT rendering system.


The class will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:00-4:15 in TBA.
(Note that the course may continue into reading period to make up for cancelled classes.)

Text and Code

We will follow the presentation in Pharr Humphreys' et al.'s book Physically Based Rendering, Second Edition and will use the PBRT code-base for our implementation.
The first edition of the book is available online through the Hopkins library.
For those compiling under Windows, you will need to install Cygwin and add it to your path. (You may also want to look at the theses of Veach and Donner for additional information.)


Date Subject Reading Notes
8/30/10 Class Cancelled
9/06/10 Introduction notes
9/08/10 Geometry and Transformations Ch. 1-2 notes
9/13/10 Shapes Ch. 3 notes
9/15/10 Intersection Acceleration Ch. 4 notes
9/20/10 Color Ch. 5 notes
9/22/10 Cameras Ch. 6 notes
9/27/10 Sampling Ch. 7 notes
9/29/10 Class Cancelled (Rosh HaShanah)
10/04/10 Reflection Ch. 8 notes
10/06/10 Materials Ch. 9 notes
10/10/10* Texture Ch. 10 notes
10/13/10 Class Cancelled (Sukkot)
10/18/10 Class Cancelled
10/20/10 Class Cancelled (Sukkot)
10/25/10 Volume Scattering Ch. 11 notes
10/27/10* Project Presentations
11/01/10 Class Cancelled
11/03/10 Light Sources Ch. 12 notes
11/08/10 Monte Carlo Integration I Ch. 13 notes
11/11/10(@1:30pm) Monte Carlo Integration I & II Ch. 13 & 14
11/15/10 Monte Carlo Integration II Ch. 14 notes
11/17/10 Light Transport I Ch. 15
11/22/10 Light Transport I Ch. 15
11/24/10 Class Cancelled (Thanksgiving)
11/29/10 Light Transport II Ch. 16
12/06/10 A Practical Model for Subsurface Light Transport
12/08/10 Precomputed Radiance Transfer...