How to Be a Teaching Assistant

by Jason Eisner (2010-)

This page is mainly directed at TAs and CAs for my classes. See also these excellent training slides from our department.

Thank you!

Thanks in advance for your work educating the next generation of students! You play an incredibly important role in the course. I still remember some of my TAs from my undergrad years.

"Learning has to occur in the students. You can do anything you like in the classroom or elsewhere—you can stand on your head—and it doesn't make a whit of difference unless it causes a change in behavior of your students. Learning takes place in the minds of students and nowhere else, and the effectiveness of teachers lies in what they can induce students to do."
—Herbert A. Simon, "What We Know About Learning" (1997)

General TA matters

There are lots of facets of being an effective TA/CA. At the start of term, we should discuss:

Each year we tend to make improvements to the class. At the start of term, we should discuss notes and todo items from the previous year, and decide who will be in charge of what initiatives.

Weekly discussion sessions (recitations)

Please emphasize discussion. If the students are just listening, they may not be learning. If you don't believe me, watch these videos.

These are not primarily homework help sessions. They are your chance to shine as a teacher and as a moderator of student-driven learning. Here are some things you can do: