package pqueue; import container.*; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Comparator; /** This implementation uses two adaptable heap priority queues. The * second one has the same entries as the first, but in reverse order. */ public class TwoHeapAdaptablePriorityDeque extends HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue implements AdaptablePriorityDeque { /* We're extending HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue, so the first pqueue is * simply "this." The second pqueue is stored in pqRev. * * Any changes must be made to both pqueues. This is possible * because "twin" entries on the two pqueues always point to each * other. * * When we return an entry to the user, we always return the one on * "this" pqueue, not on pqRev. * * Many methods are simply inherited because it is fine to run them * only on "this," ignoring the extra information in pqRev: * size(), isEmpty(), min(), toString() ... */ protected HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue pqRev; // ----- CONSTRUCTORS ----- public TwoHeapAdaptablePriorityDeque() { this(new DefaultComparator()); // call another constructor for this class } public TwoHeapAdaptablePriorityDeque(Comparator c) { super(c); // call constructor for parent class pqRev = new HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue(new ReverseComparator(c)); } // ----- PUBLIC METHODS THAT OVERRIDE HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue METHODS ----- public Entry insert(Object k, Object v) throws InvalidKeyException { /* Insert (k,v) on both priority queues. We do this by explicitly * calling the superclass's insert() method, rather than duplicating * its code, which would be dangerous if the code changed in future. */ Entry e = super.insert(k,v); Entry eRev = pqRev.insert(k,v); /* However, the superclass didn't do quite the right thing, so now * we have to fix up its result. We have to make e and eRev point * to each other, so that either one can find the other. First we * have to "upgrade" them so that they have room for that extra * pointer. (Yuck!) */ TwinnedLocationAwareEntry twin1 = upgradeEntry(e, this); TwinnedLocationAwareEntry twin2 = upgradeEntry(eRev, pqRev); twin1.setTwin(twin2); twin2.setTwin(twin1); return twin1; /* Note that the above comments aren't Javadoc comments (they * don't start with "**"). That's because they concern this * method's implementation, not its interface (which is already * documented in We don't have to publicize * how the data structure works inside. */ } public Entry remove(Entry e) throws InvalidEntryException { FILL THIS IN } public Entry removeMin() throws EmptyPriorityQueueException { return remove(min()); } public Object replaceKey(Entry e, Object k) throws InvalidEntryException, InvalidKeyException { FILL THIS IN } public Object replaceValue(Entry e, Object v) throws InvalidEntryException { FILL THIS IN } // ----- NEW METHODS THAT IMPLEMENT PriorityDeque ----- public Entry max() throws EmptyPriorityQueueException { FILL THIS IN - CAREFUL! } public Entry removeMax() throws EmptyPriorityQueueException { return remove(max()); } // ------ NESTED CLASS -------- /** A comparator whose ordering is exactly the reverse of another comparator's. */ public static class ReverseComparator implements Comparator { FILL THIS IN (Hint: its constructor is called earlier in this file) (Hint: for inspiration, see the NullComparator example on the Homework 6 webage) } // ----- NESTED CLASS ----- protected static class TwinnedLocationAwareEntry extends LocationAwareEntry { private TwinnedLocationAwareEntry twin; /* Given a LocationAwareEntry, this constructor creates a twinned * version that contains all the same data, but also has an extra * "twin" field that can be set and changed. This twin field is * initially null. */ public TwinnedLocationAwareEntry(LocationAwareEntry e) { super(e.key(), e.value(), e.location()); } protected TwinnedLocationAwareEntry twin() { return twin; } protected void setTwin(TwinnedLocationAwareEntry e) { twin = e; } // key(), value(), and toString() are all inherited. } // ------ UTILITY METHODS FOR DEALING WITH TWINS -------- /** Sneakily replace a LocationAwareEntry in a priority queue with a * TwinnedLocationAwareEntry that carries the same data. */ private static TwinnedLocationAwareEntry upgradeEntry(Entry e, HeapAdaptablePriorityQueue pq) { pq.checkEntry(e); LocationAwareEntry lae = (LocationAwareEntry)e; // old version TwinnedLocationAwareEntry tlae = new TwinnedLocationAwareEntry(lae); // upgraded version pq.T.replace(lae.location(), tlae); // replace lae with tlae in the heap's // CompleteBinaryTree, namely pq.T. return tlae; } /** Given an Entry in one priority queue, return its twin in * the other priority queue. Throws an exception if there's * no twin. */ private Entry twin(Entry e) throws InvalidEntryException { if (e == null) throw new InvalidEntryException("null entry"); else if (!(e instanceof TwinnedLocationAwareEntry)) throw new InvalidEntryException("entry is not on a TwoHeapAdaptablePriorityDeque"); else { return ((TwinnedLocationAwareEntry)e).twin(); } } // -------- TEST METHOD --------- /** Try running this test method with an odd or even number of command-line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) { AdaptablePriorityDeque pd = new TwoHeapAdaptablePriorityDeque(); // The print statements below assume that the entries have a // toString() method. They do (inherited from HeapPriorityQueue.MyEntry). int i; for (i=0; i < args.length; i++) { Entry e = pd.insert(args[i], new Integer(i)); System.out.println("inserted " + e); pd.replaceValue(e, new Integer(3*i)); System.out.println("tripled element to get " + e); } System.out.println(); while (!pd.isEmpty()) { try { System.out.println("removing min from deque of size "+pd.size()+": "+pd.min()); pd.remove(pd.min()); System.out.println("removing max from deque of size "+pd.size()+": "+pd.max()); pd.remove(pd.max()); } catch (EmptyPriorityQueueException ex) { System.out.println("Caught EmptyPriorityQueueException while trying to remove max" +"\n (had odd number of elements, but tried to remove two at a time)"); } } System.out.println(); for (i=0; i < args.length; i++) System.out.println("inserted " + pd.insert(new Integer(i), args[i])); System.out.println(); for (i=0; i < args.length; i++) { Entry e = pd.max(); System.out.println("finding max and negating key to make it min: " + e); Integer key = (Integer)e.key(); pd.replaceKey(e, new Integer(-key.intValue())); } System.out.println(); for (i=0; i < args.length; i++) { Entry e = pd.min(); System.out.println("finding min and negating key to make it max: " + e); Integer key = (Integer)e.key(); pd.replaceKey(e, new Integer(-key.intValue())); } System.out.println(); for (i=0; i < args.length; i++) { System.out.println("removing min: " + pd.min()); pd.remove(pd.min()); } } }