/** An interface for any class that supports various numeric operations.

* * There are many possible implementations of this interface. For * example, java.math.BigInteger happens to implement it (and more), * since I took care to borrow the method names from BigInteger. * But in this assignment, you will give an alternative implementation * that uses Russian dolls instead.

* * This interface is declared as extending Comparable, meaning that * it supports the compareTo method. So Russian dolls will be instances * of Comparable as well as Numeric and RussianDoll. This means that * you could call the static method java.util.Arrays.sort in order to sort * an array of Russian dolls.

* * The interface provides an (abstract) method {@link Numeric#longValue} * for converting instances of Numeric to ordinary Java longs. (We * use long rather than int because that's what BigInteger does.) Of * course we'd like a static method for converting in the other * direction, too. Static methods can't actually be declared in a * Java interface (there is no such thing as an abstract static * method, since static methods have no dynamic method lookup and * can't be overridden). Nonetheless, any non-abstract class Foo that * implements the Numeric interface really should define a * static method as follows:


 * /** Construct an instance of this class that represents a Java long.
 *  * @param val The long to represent.  
 *  * @throws ClassCastException If the long cannot
 *  *         be represented by this implementing class.  For 
 *  *         example, RussianDoll cannot represent negative numbers.
 *  * /
 * public static Foo valueOf(long val) {
 *    ... probably call a constructor for Foo ...
 * }
* * @author Jason Eisner * @version 1.0, 2003-02-07 */ public interface Numeric extends Comparable { // ************* TYPE CONVERSIONS ************ /** @return The ordinary Java long that this represents. * @throws ClassCastException If the number that this * represents is not expressible as a Java long (e.g., * it is too big, too small, a fraction, etc.). */ public long longValue(); // ************* COMPARISON METHODS ************ /** @param o The object to compare to. * @return True If this has the same numeric value as o, otherwise false. * @throws ClassCastException If o cannot be cast to the same type as this. */ public boolean equals(Object o); /** @param o The object to compare to. * @return -1, 0, or 1 according to whether this is less than, equal to, or greater than o. * @throws ClassCastException If o's type prevents it from being compared to this. */ public int compareTo(Object o); // ************* ARITHMETIC METHODS ************ /** @return The sum (this + val). * @throws ClassCastException if the types of this and val are incompatible. */ public Numeric add(Numeric val); /** @return The difference (this - val). * @throws ClassCastException if the types of this and val are incompatible. */ public Numeric subtract(Numeric val); /** @return The product (this * val). * @throws ClassCastException if the types of this and val are incompatible. */ public Numeric multiply(Numeric val); /** @return Returns an array of two Numerics, containing * the integer quotient (this / val, rounded down) * and the remainder (this % val). * @throws ClassCastException if the types of this and val are incompatible. * @throws ArithmeticException in case of division by zero. */ public Numeric[] divideAndRemainder(Numeric val); }