package geography; /** A point on the surface of the earth. Represented by a longitude * and a latitude. We always write the longitude first, since * (longitude,latitude) is rather like (x,y). These measurements are * in degrees, not radians. */ public class Point { // ---------- CONSTANTS ---------- /** Radius of the earth, in meters, at the equator. */ protected static final double GLOBE_RADIUS_EQUATOR = 6378000; /** Radius of the earth, in meters, at the poles. */ protected static final double GLOBE_RADIUS_POLES = 6357000; // ---------- INSTANCE VARIABLES ---------- /** Longitude of this point, in degrees. */ protected double longitude; /** Latitude of this point, in degrees. */ protected double latitude; // ---------- CONSTRUCTORS ---------- public Point(double longitude, double latitude) { this.longitude = longitude; this.latitude = latitude; } public Point(String longitude, String latitude) throws NumberFormatException { this(Double.parseDouble(longitude), Double.parseDouble(latitude)); } // ---------- OVERRIDE METHODS INHERITED FROM Object ---------- public boolean equals(Object p) { return (p instanceof Point) && (longitude == ((Point)p).longitude) && (latitude == ((Point)p).latitude); } public int hashCode() { return (new Double(longitude)).hashCode() << 5 + (new Double(latitude)).hashCode(); } public String toString() { return "("+longitude+", "+latitude+")"; } // ---------- DISTANCE AND DIRECTION BETWEEN POINTS ---------- /** Distance from this point to another point, using the Haversine formula. * We take the squashed shape of the earth into account (approximately). * * Q: Why can't we just use the Pythagorean theorem? We could just * return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy), where dx is the change in latitude and * dy is the change in longitude. * A: That doesn't take the curvature of the earth into account. * Q: But if we're just driving short distances, isn't the curvature of * the earth too slight to matter? * A: True, but we don't want our code to mysteriously break if we start * using it to drive around the world. Anyway, your formula is still * more complicated than you think, since you have to find dx * in meters. That's harder than you thought: 1 degree of longitude is * a long way at the equator, but isn't a lot near the poles. */ public double distanceTo(Point p) { // WARNING: These two lines of code are duplicated in another method. double lat1 = radians(latitude), lat2 = radians(p.latitude), dlat = lat2-lat1; double dlong = radians(p.longitude)-radians(longitude); // Formula from // See for a derivation. // // I've adapted the formula slightly to deal with the squashed // earth. We still make an approximation by taking the radius of // curvature r to be constant throughout the route. It actually // changes, so we should integrate over the whole route. But such // "elliptic integrals" don't have a closed form and can't be // found using trigonometry. double a = square(Math.sin(dlat/2)) + Math.cos(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*square(Math.sin(dlong/2)); double c = 2*Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a),Math.sqrt(1-a)); // angle in radians formed by start point, earth's center, & end point double r = globeRadiusOfCurvature((lat1+lat2)/2); // radius of earth at midpoint of route return r*c; } /** The direction that you have to go from this point to get to p. * * Answer is returned in degrees, between -180.0 and 180.0. * Here -180, -90, 0, 90, and 180 correspond to west, south, east, * north, and west again -- just like theta in polar coordinates. * * It would be tempting to just return atan2(dy,dx); see * the comment in distanceTo() for why we don't do that. */ public double directionTo(Point p) { // WARNING: These two lines of code are duplicated in another method. double lat1 = radians(latitude), lat2 = radians(p.latitude), dlat = lat2-lat1; double dlong = radians(p.longitude)-radians(longitude); // Formula from double radians = Math.atan2(Math.sin(-dlong)*Math.cos(lat2), Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) - Math.sin(lat1)*Math.cos(lat2)*Math.cos(-dlong)); double deg = degrees(radians); // That formula has 0 degrees being due north. Rotate it // so that 90 degrees is due east. deg += 90; if (deg > 180) deg -= 360; return deg; } // ---------- MATHEMATICAL UTILITY FUNCTIONS ---------- protected static final double radians(double degrees) { return degrees * (2*Math.PI) / 360; } protected static final double degrees(double radians) { return radians * 360 / (2*Math.PI); } protected static final double square(double d) { return d*d; } /** Computes the earth's radius of curvature at a particular latitude, * assuming that the earth is a squashed sphere with * elliptical cross-section. Since we supposedly have latitude * and longitude to lots of decimal places, I decided to worry * about the squashing, just for fun. * * The radius of curvature at a latitude is NOT the same as the * actual radius. The actual radius is smaller at the poles * than at the equator, but the earth is less curved there, as * if it were the surface of a *bigger* sphere! * * The actual radius could be computed by * return Math.sqrt(square(GLOBE_RADIUS_EQUATOR*Math.cos(lat)) * + square(GLOBE_RADIUS_POLES*Math.sin(lat))); * * The radius of curvature depends not only on the latitude you're at * but also on the direction you are traveling. But I'll use the * approximate formula recommended at * * which ignores the direction. There is a whole range of possible * answers depending on direction; the formula returns the geometric * mean of the max and min of that range. * * @param lat - latitude in radians. This is the angle * that a point at this latitude makes with the horizontal. */ protected static final double globeRadiusOfCurvature(double lat) { double a = GLOBE_RADIUS_EQUATOR; // major axis double b = GLOBE_RADIUS_POLES; // minor axis double e = Math.sqrt(1 - square(b/a)); // eccentricity return a*Math.sqrt(1-square(e)) / (1-square(e*Math.sin(lat))); } // ---------- TEST METHODS ---------- public static void test(double long1, double lat1, double long2, double lat2) { Point p1 = new Point(long1, lat1); Point p2 = new Point(long2, lat2); System.out.println("From "+p1+" to "+p2+" is "+p1.distanceTo(p2)+" meters at "+p1.directionTo(p2)+" degrees above east"); } public static void main(String args[]) { test(0,0,0,0); test(0,0,0,90); test(0,0,90,0); test(0,0,0,-90); test(0,0,-90,0); test(0,0,0,45); test(0,0,45,0); test(-76.609237, 39.330001, -76.609289, 39.329406); test(-76.609289, 39.329406, -76.609289, 39.328606); test(-76.609289, 39.329406, -76.609299, 39.328606); test(-76.609289, 39.329406, -76.609279, 39.328606); test(-76.289, 39.9406, -76.299, 39.8606); test(-76.289, 39.9406, -76.279, 39.8606); } }