CS 226 Data Structures Submission Guidelines for Programming Assignments - Include name, JHED ID and email address in a header comment in all of your files. - All programming assignments must compile with the standard Java compiler, which is freely available to download for any system. NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR CODE THAT DOES NOT COMPILE! This means that all components of a program must compile together or will not receive any credit for any of them! Submit ALL .java files that are needed for your program to run, even if some of these files are provided for you. - Compile with the -Xlint:all option to turn on all warnings. To do this, you need to use "javac myprogram.java -Xlint:all" in the command line when you compile your programs, or you need to enable the -Xlint:all flag in the development environment you are using. -5 points for any warnings! - tar/zip all source code files for an assignment into one compressed file for submission on webCT. Do not submit separate java files. Make sure that you include everything we need to compile and run your assignment for grading. You may submit a separate README plain text file if you feel anything about your solution needs explaining. - Include proper javadoc comments for all the methods in your program. Here is an example of a method with its javadoc comment: /** Find the greater of two integers. @param a first integer @param b second integer @return the greater integer */ int max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; } All javadoc comments start with /** followed by a description of the method. For each parameter of the method, use @param followed by the name of the argument, followed by a description. If the method returns a value, use @return followed by a description of the returned value. End your javadoc comment with */.