This page contains links to movie demos of some of the work that we have done in the past; most of the movies are self-explanatory  if you are familiar with the general are of research from which they stem.

Clown Face Tracking, HCI, Animation Clown Face Animation, Kentaro bouncing ball.
Interface Demos
Tracking, HCI XVision Interactive GUI, Color Buttons, Vision-based Interactive Games. 
Robotics & Tracking 
Tracking, HCI, Robotics, Robocup Robotic arm plays air hockey using visual information about the puck.  Scout robots play soccer (footage is sped up to shrink file size). 
Head Position Tracking, HCI Pan Tilt Pose Imitation
Color Tracking Color tracking alone cannot differentiate chess pieces being tracked.
Contour Tracking Contour tracking alone cannot differentiate chess pieces being tracked.
Color + Contour  Tracking With the proper framework, color and contour tracking (using a snake) combine to disambiguate the figure being tracked 
Color + Contour Tracking Another example of color and contour tracking. 
SSD Tracking  A demonstration of SSD tracking and associated capabilities. 
Cell Probe Tracking, HCI.  A vision module tracks a cell and the tip of a probe as it is manipulated under a microscope.  Potential Suitability for biomed applications and coputer aided control. 
Soldiers Tracking, Robotics A vision module tracks soldiers as they move through a hallway, apparently relying on color.  Demonstrates suitability of tracking to simple following behaviors.
IR Video Tracking A vision module uses snakes to trace the heads of people in a movie taken with an IR camera.
IR Video Tracking A vision module uses snakes to track (encircle) the heads of people in a movie taken with an IR camera.
IR Video Tracking A vision module uses snakes to track the torsos of people in a movie taken with an IR camera.
Pursuit Tracking, Robotics A Scout robot tracks and follows a human as he moves about a room.
Automatic Seletion of 
Regions of Interest
Tracking, Robotics Points of interest are picked out as a robot moves past the open door to a room
Automatic Seletion of 
Regions of Interest
Tracking, Robotics Points of interest are picked out as a robot moves past the open door to a room.  This video runs faster than the previous one.
Dead Reckoning Robotics A robot uses simple dead reckoning to maintain a trajectory.   Demonstrates error in this technique.
Visual Servoing Tracking, Robotics, Visual Servoing A robot uses selected features in environment to maintain a trajectory.
Visual servoing Tracking, Robotics, Visual Servoing A robot uses selected features in environment to maintain a trajectory.  The robot is perturbed to demonstrate the utility of having visual input in the control loopl.
Visual servoing Tracking, Robotics, Visual Servoing A robot uses selected features in environment to maintain a trajectory.  The robot is perturbed to demonstrate the utility of having visual input in the control loopl.
Hand-eye coordination Tracking, Robotics, Visual Servoing A robotic arm performs an online alignment task.   Tracking is illustrated in video. Handles perturbation of environment.
Hand-eye coordination Tracking, Robotics, Visual Servoing A robotic arm performs an online alignment task. Diskette insertion in disk drive.
Hand-eye coordination Tracking, Robotics, Visual Servoing A robotic arm performs an online alignment task.  Handles perturbation of environment.
Vein Cannulation Robotics, HCI The Steady-Hand Robot is used to cannulate an 80 micron diameter vein in the CAM of a chicken egg; video taken through a microscope
Medical Robotics Article Robotics, HCI A feature on medical robotics in the ERC, including the snake-robot, steady-hand robot, haptics, and language of surgery projects. (tar-gzipped DVD format, LARGE)