Johns Hopkins Computer Science

Vision-Based Human Computer Interaction

VICS - Visual Interaction Cues for Local Based HCI

People -   Dr. Gregory Hager, Dr. Darius Burschka, Jason Corso, Grant Ye
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
Description - The goal of the project is to explore the use of local-based vision algorithms to augment human-computer interaction. Both geometric and appearance-based approaches are being analysed. We are interesting in developing and studying algorithms that may be used to create pluggable interaction components for modern, video-enabled interfaces.
Examples of such algorithms being studying follow (videos are below):

Adaptive Background Modeling

Intelligent Buttons

The 4D Touchpad - A new platform for the development of next-generation interfaces. It facilitates unencumbered interaction with an architecture that provides core functionality for general vision-based interfaces.
Publications -
Demo Movies -
More Information - At Jason Corso's Project Page
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For more information:

Gregory D. Hager ( Faculty
Jason J Corso ( Webmaster
Linda Rorke ( is our departmental contact.