SPAA 2012 Local Information

The SPAA 2012 Conference will take place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Detailed Information:

Visa Requests

If you need a visa to attend SPAA, please send your request for a letter in support of a visa application to the ACM headquarters at and include your name, affiliation, mailing address, and fax number. Indicate that you plan to attend SPAA (authors of regular papers, brief announcements and posters should also include the title). Those attendees not coming from a university or research institution are advised to contact the SPAA secretary first.

Room Reservation

More information will follow here later.

Finding a Roommate

In order for us to match you with some roommate(s), please send an email to containing the following information:

Travel Information

More information will follow here later.

Questions and Comments: If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to Christian Scheideler at